Earlier this month EcoMerit director Bobby Lambert joined GreentechHQ CEO Ed Murphy at their Enniscorthy “Sustainability Innovation Hub” for a chat about EcoMerit’s mission to support Irish businesses on their sustainability journey.
They discuss how the EcoMerit process works and how our members are supported in improving their envirionmental performance and reducing costs.
Greentech HQ and Passive House Standard
“(Greentech HQ) was created to provide a collaborative space with a focus on developing green solutions that help protect the environment, conserve the Earth’s natural resources and provide a sustainable future, and in doing so, create viable business opportunities.”
These type of hubs are growing across Ireland and EcoMerit has been pleased to work with some of them on ‘walking the walk’ by developing their own environmental performance. It’s great to see GreentechHQ take this lead by example mentality by choosing to base themselves at Senan House, which is Ireland’s first Passive House (Passivhaus) standard office building.
EcoMerit is a big fan of the Passivhaus standard and the principles involved in designing buildings that are resource efficient and low energy use.